The International Paralympic Sports Foundation (Parasport) is a non-profit charitable foundation organized to support the training and competition of athletes with disabilities. The Foundation serves as a long term source of financial support to athletes worldwide with physical and sensory impairments.
Parasport works in close partnership with international Paralympic Committees of countries to promote a healthy lifestyle and athletic achievement among the disabled through the funding of an array of Paralympic national organizations as well as teams and individual athletes directly.
Parasport was established in 2007 to provide resources to advance the quality and opportunities for athletes with disabilities and to promote the Paralympic sports movement. Since inception, the Foundation has been supporting Paralympic Teams and National Paralympic Committees and assisting disabled athletes directly in their participation in competitions, training. and [social activities]. The Foundation plans to expand its endowment activities by allocating funds to additional Paralympic organizations in Europe, , Asia, and Latin American.
The International Paralympic Foundation invites founding contributors to join us in our work. We are open to partnerships and cooperation to support the right of disabled people to full participation, equality, and development through the world of sports.
Guiding Principles
The following guidelines determine how contributions are made by Parasport:
- Contributions are generally restricted to organizations involved in the Paralympic Movement or are channeled directly to disabled athletes.
- Contributions are usually directed toward the Paralympic related communities organizations, individuals, teams, or sporting events.
- Contributions should benefit substantial numbers of athletes.
The Foundation, both in its role as a founding sponsor of the Paralympic Movement and through a variety of other fund-raising initiatives:
- Supports Paralympic athletes in their participation in sports and [social activities];
- Provides financial support directly to promising athletes;
- Stimulates public policy discussion and promotes sports among disabled individuals and groups;
- Helps to enact measures to advance the state of Paralympic sports in selected countries.